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The National Standard Authority's norm determination services are continuously ongoing to improve resource management
The norm determination specialists of the National Standard Authority have set fuel consumption standards for (1) vehicle of the Ministry of Public Health, (1) vehicle of the Breshna Shirekat and (1) vehicle of the Police Academy Command.
The technical and engineering officials of the norm determination department of this authority are tirelessly working to establish precise fuel consumption. . .
The Technical Committee Meeting on Textiles and Leather of the National Standards Authority Was Held
The technical committee meeting for the development of textile and leather standards of the National Standards Authority was held in the presence of the chairman of the relevant. . .
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Report of the fifteenth anniversary of the adoption of the constitution and the commemoration week of the constitution
From the fifteenth year of the constitution and the constitutional week during the celebration ceremony at the National Bureau of Standards, the leadership of the National Bureau of. . .
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The National Standard Authority's norm determination services are continuously ongoing to improve resource management
The norm determination specialists of the National Standard Authority have set fuel consumption standards for (1) vehicle of the Ministry of Public Health, (1) vehicle of the Breshna. . .
The Technical Committee Meeting on Textiles and Leather of the National Standards Authority Was Held
The technical committee meeting for the development of textile and leather standards of the National Standards Authority was held in the presence of the chairman of the relevant. . .
The National Standard Authority established norms for five key machines of Breshna Company for better resource management
After technical assessments, the technical team of the Norm Determination Directorate of ANSA determined the fuel consumption standards for five cable-pulling machines of Breshna. . .
The National Standard Authority has transparently and decisively managed the process of quality verification and control of construction materials at the country's ports
With a strong commitment to public health and consumer protection, the authority has made continuous efforts to standardize imports.
By organizing port operations and regulating. . .
Technical Committee Meeting on Environmental Standards Held at National Standards Authority
A meeting of the Technical Committee on Environmental Standards of the National Standards Authority was held in the technical conference hall of the authority, attended by the committee. . .
The Technical Committee Meeting on Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products was held at the National Standard Authority
The Technical Committee Meeting on Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Products of the National Standard Authority was held in the technical meeting hall of the Authority, with the presence of. . .