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The competitive examination process for several vacant positions at the National Standards Authority was conducted
The competitive examination process for three professional positions at the National Standards Authority was held transparently and fairly in the presence of Mufti Fazlurahman Mansoor. . .
The Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee Meeting of the National Standards Authority was held with the participation of representatives from various ministries and relevant governmental Authorities
The TBT Committee Meeting of the National Standards Authority included the participation of Mawlawi Shir Agha Jalab Director of Conformity Assessment of the National Standards Authority. . .
A technical meeting on drafting construction materials standards was held at the National Standards Authority
The technical committee meeting for drafting construction materials standards of the National Standards Authority was conducted with the participation of Mawlawi Mohammad Hanif,. . .
The examination process for several professional positions at the National Standards Authority was conducted through open competition
The exam was held in the presence of Mufti Mohammad Hamid Director of Planning and Policy at the National Standards Authority, Mawlawi Mohammad Hanif Director of Development and. . .
The meeting of the Technical Committee on Halal Standards at the National Standards Authority was held
This meeting was convened with the participation of the chairperson of the relevant committee and its members in the technical conference hall of the authority.
During the meeting,. . .
A meeting on the development of environmental standards was held at the National Standards Authority
The technical committee meeting for the development of environmental standards at the National Standards Authority was convened with the participation of its chairperson and members in. . .
The Norm Identification directorate of the National Standards Authority determined the fuel consumption standards for (7) vehicles of the Breshna Sherikat in Zabul Province
The provision of norm determination services by the National Standards Authority is critically important in preventing waste and ensuring the efficient use of financial and economic. . .
The National Standards Authority’s Norm services for various ministries and government Authorities is continuously ongoing
Norm Identification experts of (ANSA) determined the fuel consumption standards for eight vehicles belonging to the Administrative Office, the Ministry of Energy and Water, the. . .
The Afghanistan National Standards Authority Has Acted Decisively in Providing Norm Identification Services for Ministries and Government Departments
In accordance with the Standardization Law and regulations, the Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) is responsible for determining and identifying the basic fuel consumption. . .