The National Standard Authority’s Norm Determination Services Are Continuously Ongoing for Better Resource Management
The norm determination specialists of the National Standard Authority have established fuel consumption standards for two vehicles of Breshna Company and one vehicle of Pashtany Bank.
. . .The Norm Determination Specialists of the National Standards Authority established the fuel consumption standard for two vehicles of the Directorate of Labor, Maintenance and Care – Kabul Municipality
The provision of norm determination services by the National Standards Authority is critically important in preventing waste and ensuring the efficient use of financial and economic. . .
The National Standards Authority has determined the fuel consumption standard for (3) central heating systems at the Ali Abad Teaching Hospital
The Norm Determining Directorate of the National Standards Authority is responsible for determining and setting fuel consumption standards for heating devices such as gas heaters, wood. . .
The National Standards Authority determined the fuel consumption standard for 3 Vehicles of the National Development Corporation
The technical and operational officials of the Norms Identification Directorate work tirelessly to establish precise fuel consumption standards for vehicles, equipment, machinery and. . .
The Afghanistan National Standards Authority Has Acted Decisively in Providing Norm Identification Services for Ministries and Government Departments
In accordance with the Standardization Law and regulations, the Afghanistan National Standards Authority (ANSA) is responsible for determining and identifying the basic fuel consumption. . .